Arkansas Office of

Skills Development


Electrical Apprenticeship Committee Members

Keith Davis
Master Electrician, District 1

Richard Blaty
Master Electrician, District 1

Roger Chaple
Master Electrician, District 3

Richard Shelton
Journeyman, DIstrict 1

Richard Geraci
Engineer, District 2

Jim Burbridge
Master Electrician, District 4

The mission of the State Electrical Apprenticeship Committee (SEAC) shall be to oversee electrical apprenticeships in the state of Arkansas. To accomplish this mission, the Committee shall have the following objectives:

  • To provide guidance to the state’s local electrical apprenticeship committees to ensure the proper registration with state and federal agencies as required by Arkansas law.
  • To provide guidance to the state’s local electrical apprenticeship committees to ensure the quality education of electrical apprentices.
  • To coordinate the activities of the SEAC with those of the State Electrical Licensing Board, the Arkansas DOL, USDOL Office of Apprenticeship Training, and other governmental entities to best serve the electrical community of the state of Arkansas.
  • To promote apprenticeship growth in Arkansas to the best of its ability through public meetings and appearances with the business community to sustain a pool of competent workers.